Cacau Show Innovates with Self-Service Machines: The Success Story of the “Machines Show”

Descubra como a Cacau Show está transformando o comércio com as “Máquinas Show”, máquinas de autoatendimento que vendem chocolates 24 horas por dia. Conheça a parceria com a Onii e as oportunidades desse modelo de negócio autônomo no Brasil

As Machines Show They emerge as the great innovation of Cacau Show, offering self-service machines that make the brand's products available 24 hours a day. This initiative, the result of a partnership with Onii, guarantees the efficiency of an autonomous business model, from the installation of the machines to the consumer payment process.

The first machine was installed in São Paulo, in the ELev Shopping Brás, and the results already show promising growth. According to the expansion director of Cacau Show, more than 15 units are currently in operation, with 49 contracts additional ones already signed, which should be installed soon.

A Onii values the investment in this autonomous model, which is already successful in the places where it is present. Practicality and accessibility at any time are crucial aspects for the brand, which has demonstrated, through various services, that the future of commerce is autonomous. The possibility of expanding the reach of commerce without the need for attendants and diversifying the consumer audience are factors that boost sales and increase the popularity of Cacau Show products.

Stand-alone vending machines have attracted consumers through their convenience and independent shopping experience. Like Onii's stores and containers, Vending machines offer an autonomous service, fully operated by the consumer, who appreciates the freedom to select their products at any time, without the need for assistance. The success of self-service machines on social networks is a reflection of public acceptance.

This new project also opens doors for investors who wish to franchise themselves but do not want to face the high costs of physical stores. Now, there is the option of renting the autonomous machines, allowing more people to join this innovative business model. The partnership with renowned brands such as the Cacau Show further enhances the expansion of autonomous commerce.

Bruno Fabbri, responsible for the development and progress of the project, reveals that the initial idea appeared in 2021, when Onii undertook to develop software for vending machines. Although the prototype was reserved for some time, the actual operation only began in 2023, after Sonda sought a partnership and found in Onii the only company with the necessary technology to operate the machines.

Thus, the collaboration between Cacau Show, Sonda (creator of the Machines Show) and Onii was consolidated, resulting in an agile and pleasant business model for consumers. Investors' expectations are promising, with profits ranging from 16% to 34%, exceeding the profitability rates of conventional stores. This occurs with the payment of the rent of the machines and the occupied space, which requires a reduced area, allowing installation in several locations and the diversification of businesses with the same invested capital.

With this innovation, Cacau Show and Onii not only reinvent the shopping experience, but also open up new possibilities for investors and entrepreneurs across Brazil, solidifying the trend of autonomous commerce.

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