Onii opens hybrid store in Campinas

The operation is quite simple! In the hybrid store, there are employees who serve the public, in the same way that happens in regular stores. However, if they prefer, the customer can make purchases autonomously, by

Have you ever heard of a hybrid store? In this type of establishment, the customer has experiences that can be both physical and digital.

The operation is quite simple! In the hybrid store, there are employees who serve the public, in the same way that happens in regular stores. However, if they prefer, the customer can make purchases autonomously, through a application.

The technology used for hybrid stores also makes it possible to leave stores open 24 hours a day. This is because, after office hours, the employees leave, but the customer can open the store using a QR Code generated in the app.

When there are no more attendants in the store, the service becomes completely autonomous. The customer himself scans the barcodes of the products with the app and makes the payment with the accredited credit card.

Always keeping an eye on the latest in the retail segment, Onii recently opened a hybrid store in the city of Campinas (SP). Pitstore, which is located at the company GLP in Campinas, can now experience this experience of shopping digitally and in person at the same time.

Onii is already present in several Brazilian cities. See more in our Article that talks about the main locations where autonomous convenience stores already exist of our brand.

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