Onii opens bike lane store in Rio Pinheiros

According to Juliana Marques, strategic planning analyst at the Cimed group, there are more than 50,000 cyclists passing by.

On November 27, Onii inaugurated a standalone convenience store on the Pinheiros River Bike Lane, in São Paulo, with the presence of Governor João Dória.

The space was designed as part of the revitalization of the bike lane and is now fully operational. According to Juliana Marques, a strategic planning analyst for the Cimed group, there are more than 50,000 cyclists who visit the place every month.

The analyst also explains that the store is 100% automated and works 24 hours a day. To access the establishment, customers must download the Onii app and register a credit card.

The store is entered by reading a QR Code on the lock and payments are made using the registered credit card. The customer himself reads the barcodes of the products he wishes to purchase, using his smartphone.

Products are sold there to help cyclists, such as protein bars, energy drinks, juices, natural sandwiches, and other market items. Did you like the idea and want to be the manager of a business of this type in your city? Then Find out now how to become an Onii licensee and undertake in this segment!

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